
By Ralph Santis

Navigating English Grammar: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


If you are trying to learn English, you may have encountered some challenging grammar rules. You are not alone, so do not worry. English grammar can be confusing, but you can find your way through it. My experience teaching for over 20 years has taught me that knowing how to avoid common mistakes can make all the difference. So, let us begin this in-depth tutorial on using English grammar.



The Importance of Good Grammar


Let us first discuss the importance of proper grammar before moving on to common errors. The foundation of any language is its grammar. It is what enables us to construct meaningful sentences that make sense. Good grammar is essential for effective communication, whether you want to study English for personal or professional reasons.



Mistake 1: Incorrect Use of Tenses
間違い1: 時制の間違った使い方


The Past Simple vs. The Present Perfect


One common error is conflating the present perfect tense with the past simple tense. Remember to use the present perfect for actions that impact the present and the past, and simple for actions that have been completed in the past.



How to Avoid It


Perfectionism is a process that requires practice. To check your comprehension of the tenses, use exercises and tests. Numerous exercises with varying difficulty levels are available on websites like homestyle.world.



Mistake 2: Incorrect Subject-Verb Agreement
間違い2: 主語と動詞の混合


Singular vs. Plural


Not correctly matching the subject and verb is another common error. The subject and verb must have the same number (singular or plural) in an English sentence.



How to Avoid It

Make sure the subject and verb in your sentences agree by checking them twice. If unsure, try distilling the sentence to its simplest form.



Mistake 3: Misplacing Modifiers
間違い3: 修飾子の配置を間違える


What Are Modifiers?


Modifiers are words or phrases that give a sentence extra information. The meaning of the sentence can completely change if one of them is missing.



How to Avoid It


Modifiers should be placed close to the word they are meant to modify. Your sentences will become more understandable and clear as a result.



Mistake 4: Confusing "Fewer" and “Less"
間違い 4: 「Fewer」と「Less」の混同


Countable vs. Uncountable


The word "fewer" is used for countable objects, while for uncountable objects, the word "less" is used. For instance, "I have fewer books", but "I have less money.”

"Fewer"という単語は数えられる物体に使用され、一方で不可算の物体には"less"という単語が使われます。例えば、"I have fewer books"(本は数えられる)、一方で"I have less money"(お金は数えられない)です。


How to Avoid It


Before choosing between "fewer" and "less," always consider whether the object is countable or uncountable.



Mistake 5: Using Double Negatives
間違い 5: 二重否定の使用


What's Wrong with Double Negatives?


Two negatives add up to a positive in English. As a result, using double negatives in sentences like "I can not get no satisfaction" is incorrect grammar.

英語では、2つの否定は肯定になります。その結果、"I can not get no satisfaction"のような二重否定を使用するのは文法的に誤っています。


How to Avoid It


Pay attention to the negatives you use in your sentence. Avoid using another negative after the first one.



English Learning in Sendai and Beyond: The Role of Grammar


Understanding the function of grammar is essential, whether you are taking an English lesson in Japan or studying online. Grammar presents a particular challenge for speakers of English as a second language, but with concentrated effort, it is a surmountable hurdle.



Final Thoughts


As a language learner, I know how difficult it can be to master English grammar. But keep in mind that every expert once began as a novice. The secret is to keep practicing and to learn from your mistakes. Please contact me if you have any questions or need more information, as I would be happy to help you on your learning journey.


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